Step 10: Draft your introduction

Having accomplished Steps 1 to 9 in the essay writing process, you should have everything you need to write your introduction now.

Here is one frequently used framework for structuring the sentences in an academic essay introduction:

The introduction begins with a sentence that introduces the topic area fairly broadly. → Then it needs a sentence or two that narrows the attention down to the particular question of concern. → Then the steps of the writer’s argument are outlined in a few sentences. → Finally the writer’s thesis (Step 6 draft thesis & Step 9 refined thesis) is stated.

Activity – Order these sentences to draft your introduction

Pull the sentences into the box in the order suggested above.

    • Then it will look at evidence for the other approach.
    • This essay will firstly look at evidence for the idea of happiness that is about experience right now.
    • Two different ways of thinking of what it is have been a point of debate, these ideas are on the one hand that happiness is a feeling that a person experiences at a particular moment in time, and on the other hand that it is something more complex that relates to how we remember or make sense of our lives as meaningful stories.
    • This essay will argue that the significant contrasts found between these two approaches indicate that they are referring to two quite different things that historically have both been named happiness .
    • We have been asking ourselves what happiness really is for a very long time.
    • Then the two definitions of happiness will be compared and contrasted to see which one is the more true meaning of happiness.

    This will need editing, but it helps to write down your intentions like this. It helps you move forward with the rest of your draft.